1. Welcome
Chair Neil welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2025.
2. Those Attending
- Chair - Neil Irwin
- Vice Chair - Babs Drinkwater
- Treasurer - Barry Drinkwater
- Welfare Officer - Angela Irwin
- Ride Organiser - Jack Sanderson Baillie
- Secretary - George Cairns
3. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies as every Committee Member was in attendance.
4. Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of 19th September 2024 Committee Meeting and the 17th November 2024 ‘ad hoc’ Committee Meeting were both approved as true and accurate records of the proceedings.
5. Actions Arising
19th September 2024 Committee Meeting
- Action: 19/09/24/1
On: Barry Drinkwater
Requirement: Social Fund Wrap-up. It was agreed to gift the remaining social fund balance (£579) by offering a donation to Rebike to help fund their free drop-in bike maintenance sessions.
Conclusion: Action complete.
- Action: 19/09/24/2
On: Babs Drinkwater
Requirement: 2024 AGM: Secure date with Rugby Club.
Conclusion: Action complete.
- Action: 19/09/24/3
On: Barry Drinkwater
Requirement: Amend the Club App to show there is a ‘no drop’ policy on CRCC rides.
Conclusion: Action ongoing. Update the App accordingly.
- Action: 19/09/24/4
On: New Committee.
Requirement: A reminder at the start of next season about ride etiquette and looking after fellow riders.
Conclusion: Action ongoing. Put a note on Club Facebook Page.
- Action: 19/09/24/5
On: Jack Sanderson Baillie
Requirement: Add Reliability Ride to Club App.
Conclusion: Action ongoing. Update the App once the date of the Reliability Ride is agreed.
17th November 2024 ‘ad hoc’ Committee Meeting
- Action: 17/11/24/1
On: Iain Atkinson
Requirement: To contact BC and inform them of the incoming Secretary’s name and membership number.
Conclusion: Action complete.
- Action: 17/11/24/2
On: Iain Atkinson
Requirement: To contact CTT and ask what action is required regarding the change in Secretary.
Conclusion: Action complete.
- Action: 17/11/24/3
On: Barry Drinkwater
Requirement: To contact the Bank and request a Bank Mandate to initiate the administrative process necessary to change the Secretary’s details.
- Action: 17/11/24/4
On: Barry Drinkwater
Requirement: To send a ‘Friend Request’ to the incoming Secretary. Once accepted the Treasurer will add the incoming Secretary as an ‘administrator’ on the Club Facebook.
6. Membership and Budget Statement
- Membership: Regarding Action 19/9/24/3, Barry will amend the Club App to say: ‘Please remember that it is Club policy that no one will be dropped on a ride.’
- Regarding Action 19/9/24/4 above, Neil will put a note on the Club Facebook page on (or before) Sunday 30th March to remind Members about Club etiquette.
- New Action 28/1/25/1: Neil will put a note on the Club Facebook page to remind Members that the Club has a stock of clothing items held by Backstreet Bicycles in Thursby.
- Budget: Movement on the Club Account since the last meeting:
- £623 expenditure on room hire and food for the AGM on 13th November 2024.
- £200 expenditure on Palace Cycles vouchers.
- £29.85 expenditure on trophy engraving.
- The current balance of the Club Account is £534.72.
7. Business Arising
- Constitution update: George’s signature was added to the Constitution and countersigned by Neil.
- New Action 28/1/25/2: George will contact previous Secretary Iain and discuss the required format for the updated Constitution to be put on the Club website.
- Bank mandate: George’s details have been given to the Bank of Scotland and he is now authorised by the Bank, along with Neil and Barry, to approve Club expenditure.
- First Aid Training: Ang has been in preliminary discussion with Dr Vprajna Jeganathan who has tentatively agreed to deliver First Aid Training to the Club. New Action 28/1/25/3: Ang will contact Dr Jeganathan to see if she is still willing to provide First Aid Training and if so, to find out dates when she would be available.
- New Action 28/1/25/4: Once a provisional date has been agreed for the First Aid Training, Ang will investigate the availability and cost of hiring a suitable venue.
- Low number of ‘Green’ riders: The low number of ‘Green’ riders attending recent rides was discussed and it was said to be in stark contrast to attendance in the past. It was also stated that we do not know how many Members fall into the ‘Green’ rider category. When George was discussing this issue with Mally Armstrong recently, Mally suggested that we ask members to let us know their ‘colour’ category when the reminder is sent regarding renewal of membership. There was then discussion of a questionnaire George had produced with the aim of gathering information to help redress the ‘Green’ rider situation.
- New Action 28/1/25/5: George will include a request for members to indicate their ‘colour’ category when sending out the renewal reminders in March.
- New Action 28/1/25/6: When sending out the subscription renewal reminder in March, George will include the questionnaire with a request for ‘Green’ riders to complete and return to the Secretary.
- Route length: Jack proposed that Green Routes should be less than 25 miles in length and less than 1000 feet in elevation. It was agreed that this was a sensible target for these routes. Exclusive Green Rides: Neil suggested that we should offer a ride exclusively for ‘Green’ riders. This was discussed and it was said that ‘Red / Blue’ rider volunteers would be needed to act as ride leaders / support riders. It was also agreed that these rides should be scheduled on a day other than Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday so that the support riders did not miss out on the normal Club rides. Friday evening rides would fit the bill well and Jack suggested that these events could be held twice per month. It was unanimously agreed that the idea of exclusively ‘Green’ rides was an excellent proposal that should encourage ‘Green’ riders to participate.
- New Action 28/1/25/7: Nearer the start of the season (1st April) Neil will put a note on the Club’s Facebook page to advertise the exclusive ‘Green’ rider events. Requirement of an ‘Official Club Ride’ There was discussion on the difference between Official and non-Official Club Rides.
- New Action 28/1/25/8: George will contact British Cycling and ask what constitutes an ‘Official Ride’ in particular, with regard to Risk Assessment. Post Meeting Note: See Annex 2 of these Minutes for an update on this issue.
8. New Business
- Proposed changes to the Constitution: George proposed amendments to the Constitution to remove some inconsistencies and anomalies therein. A handout summarising the proposals was given and each point was discussed. It was agreed that the amendments be put forward to the Members at the 2025 AGM with a Resolution proposing the changes (shown at Annex 1 to these Minutes) be accepted.
- New Action 28/1/25/9: George will include the proposed amendments to the Constitution as a Resolution on the 2025 AGM Agenda.
- Reliability Ride: This is scheduled to take place at the start of the season allowing members to check their fitness and preparedness for the rides to come. There was discussion on a suitable area for the ride and Jack’s suggestion of the Eden Valley was well received. Jack then proposed producing 3 routes: 75 miles; 50 miles and 30 miles, all of which start and finish at the same place. There are no café stops on the ride but there will be refreshments on completion. Over the past 2 years the Club has borne the cost of both the venue and food, however, this is no longer sustainable and the Club will be asking participating Members to contribute to these costs.
- New Action 28/1/25/10: Babs will book a suitable venue for the Reliability Ride and find out the cost / head for the food. Once these costs are known, Barry will assess a reasonable rider contribution, with the balance being borne by the Club.
- New Action 28/1/25/11: Jack will plan a 75 mile, 50 mile and 30 mile route for the Reliability Ride, once the venue has been identified.
- Rebike Presentation: Before the start of the meeting Lance Greenhalgh, Community Development Volunteer for Rebike, the Community Cycle Hub, gave a short presentation explaining the current situation and future plans for the organisation. Lance expressed disappointment that funding promised to Cumbria by the previous Government has been withdrawn by the present Government, causing Rebike to reassess their future development. Lance also admitted disappointment with their current location in the Old Mitchell Dryers Works, which is far from being a comfortable working environment. However, they plan to build an inner sanctum within the existing space and fit it out as a welcoming space for customers and a safe, modern working environment for the Staff. There is a need for volunteer help from anyone with IT or Social Media skills as well as from anyone with building skills. Rebike intend running 18-month Apprentice Training Courses, which attract Government funding. They can also offer training to those wishing to become a volunteer bicycle mechanic or those with a wish to train others to ride bicycles. Rebike is open Tuesday to Saturday from 09:30 to 16:30 and Lance extended an invitation to Members of CRCC to drop in at any time and have a chat with the Rebike Staff. Neil wished Lance well with the development plans and thanked him for his time.
- New Action 28/1/25/12: George will put a note on the Club’s Facebook page summarising the situation with Rebike.
- Viability of subsidising food for 2025 AGM attendees: Over the past 2 years the cost of room hire and food for the AGM has been covered by Club Funds as a ‘thank you’ to those in attendance. However, it is unlikely that there will be sufficient funds to subsidise the food this year. The matter will be reviewed in August, with the aim of assessing a contribution from Club Funds towards the cost of the food, if at all possible.
- New Action 28/1/25/13: Barry will review Club Funds in August and determine what contribution, if any, can be made towards the cost of food for those attending the 2025 AGM.
- Consideration of routes for the 2025 season: Jack said that there were 9 Wednesday routes and after discussion it was concluded that this is sufficient for our needs as additional routes could lead to crossovers, which should be avoided. Weekend and Tuesday routes are more problematic owing to the requirement to coordinate café stops. Discussion followed on the merits of the cafes used by the Club and Barry said there is a new café (The Mucky Duck) in Caldbeck, which we agreed would make a good addition to those currently used.
- Try Rides: Try Rides are booked by prospective Members through the Club’s website. Notification goes to the Secretary, who then contacts the applicant explaining the options and procedures involved. Their details are then added to a database of Try Ride applicants with a note to contact them again. After discussion it was agreed that a Club Member on a list of Try Ride Supports will be asked to contact the prospective Member and arrange to meet them and accompany them on their Try Ride, in addition to any other Club Members also on the ride.
- New Action 28/1/25/14: George will establish a Try Ride Supporters list with the names of experienced Club Members willing to help with Try Rides. When there is a Try Ride scheduled, George will contact one of the Members on the list and arrange for them to contact the applicant and plan to ‘meet and greet’ them on day of the Try Ride.
9. Action Review
George summarised the Actions arising from the meeting.
10. Any Other Business
- Policy regarding low temperature riding: Discussion ensued on the issue of riding in low temperatures, which is relevant at this time of year. It was then proposed by George that rides should be cancelled if the temperature at the start, or at any time throughout the ride, is forecast to be less than 5 degrees C. At the time of the meeting, this was going to be stated as policy for Official Rides and guidance for non-Official Rides. However, a call to British Cycling subsequent to the meeting confirmed that this distinction between Official and non-Official Rides is an unnecessary complication and in effect all rides promoted through the Club App and / or the Club Facebook page are covered by the British Cycling Insurance Policy. This new policy of cancelling rides if the temperature at the start, or at any time throughout the ride, is forecast to be less than 5 degrees C will now apply to all Club rides. It was discussed and agreed that the decision to cancel will be made by 20:00, at the latest, on the evening before the planned ride. Cafés are likely to be closed at this time so the Ride Leader will contact the café on opening the following day.
- New Action 28/1/25/15: Jack will inform members through the Club Facebook page and on the Club App of the new policy cancelling rides if the temperature at the start, or at any time throughout the ride, is forecast to be less than 5 degrees C.
- Barry stated that Bank of Scotland have imposed a monthly charge of £4.25 to service the Club Account. It was discussed and agreed that this is an unexpected running cost that we have no control over and must therefore accept.
11. Date of Next Meeting
The next Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th March 2025, commencing at 19:00 in the Near Boot
For minute annexes refer to pages 8-10 of the PDF document